Tag Archives: smoothie

Chocolate Banana Peanut Butter Smoothie

Some mornings I really don’t want eggs, toast, or oatmeal for breakfast, or really any other solid foods. So, on those mornings, it’s great to have a smoothie available. One of my favorites is this one. I love the chocolate, peanut butter, and banana combination. I think it’s really yummy and it fills you up.


Here is what you’ll need for this yummy smoothie:

6 ice cubes
1/4 cup non fat plain or vanilla greek yogurt
1/4 cup – 1/2 cup almond milk (depending on the thickness you want)
1 banana
1 teaspoon cocoa powder


Throw everything in the blender and then turn your blender on (I always use pulse) until everything is mixed together really well. At this point, if you want it thinner, add more almond milk and mix again.
