Tag Archives: cupcakes

Tip Tuesday #3 – Sweets

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate is one of my favorite things. I could eat it all day every day and other than the stomach ache that I’m sure I would get, I would be completely happy with my life. That being said, even though chocolate is full of some great things, like antioxidants, it still should only be eaten in moderation.

Today’s Tip Tuesday was inspired by a gift that I received from a friend. A friend of mine, wasn’t going to be home until late tonight, so I went to her house and checked on her cat and dog, the dog got into one of her pills so she was a little nervous. To thank me, when I got back, she had order me a box of cupcakes and cake pops from a local bakery, My Little Cupcake.


There are about 2 dozen small little cupcakes and cake pops that are now sitting on my counter (minus the few that we ate). That being said, I thought that since this was something really relevant to my life, I would talk about it.



I don’t know about you, but as someone who has tried a thousand different diets and weight loss programs in the past, I’ve found that when you don’t let yourself have a little treat now and then, you’re more likely to stop dieting or just become so miserable that no one really wants to be around you. For that reason, I think it is very important to indulge yourself in a small treat every now and then as a reward or a pat on the back. Now, what I’m not saying is, “reward yourself for everything you do” because that would be very counterproductive. But if you do something exceptional, give yourself a small treat.

Resampled_2013-06-04_16-05-14_290It’s also important to not let these foods be the only thing that can make you happy. I know sometimes, for instance, after a break up, everyone seems to either eat too much, or not eat at all. Those who eat too much, usually turn to the fattier foods like sweets and grease. Don’t let that be you. If you’re having a bad day, instead of having a sweet, go to the gym, take a bath, play with animals if you can, do something other than eat your emotions away.

All of the emotional and stress talk aside, it’s also okay to let yourself have dessert. You don’t have to skip the sweet stuff all of the time. You just can’t have it with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I have a few tips that I use when it comes to sweets that may help you out if, like me, sweets are your weakness.

1. Don’t make them yourself! When you make a cake or brownies or anything that’s overly sweet, you have way too much of it. Then, you usually feel obligated to eat it and end up overindulging.
2. Go to a place like Trader Joe’s or Healthy Living where you can get some lower calorie treats and only buy one. Don’t buy a ton because everything looks good.
3. If you don’t have the option of going to a place like that, go for small cupcakes or cake pops (not a whole box!) because they are small, and still very satisfying.
4. If you do have a few too many sweets, don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s okay! It’s fine to have days where you break your diet a little, just try not to have too many.


All of that being said, go get yourself a piece of dark chocolate, or a nice little cupcake, and have a great night!