Category Archives: Baking

Eggless Cookie Challenge

One of the courses that I am lucky enough to be taking at Champlain College is “Writing About Food.” The final project for this course is to find a food topic that interests you and do a little more work on it. For mine, I have chosen to do something that I hope to be able to feature in my cookbook: Eggless Cookies.

I mean, come on, who needs eggs anyway?
I mean, come on, who needs eggs anyway?

The main reason that I want to make these cookies is so that I can eat the delicious dough without any guilt or fear.

I will be making three types of cookies: chocolate chip, peanut butter, and the third is still in the air, I’m either going to be doing oatmeal raisin or sugar cookies.

Over the next few days, I will be creating a page on my blog that will be able to be seen in the top right corner that will be designated solely to this mission. I will be posting some research that I have done on the topic as well as some of my trial and error recipes.

Once I have created the perfect cookie (at least in my opinion) I will post it on my main page.

If you have any great eggless cookie recipes feel free to share them, and be sure to check back to see my progress along the way.

Halloween Sugar Cookies!


I love making sugar cookies. I think they are just the cutest thing, and Jared loves them. I usually eat one or two, but not really too many. Since Halloween is coming up, I bought some awesome Halloween cookie cutters and made these spooky creations. Baking is meant to be fun, so break out the cookie cutters, and your favorite cookie recipe, make some colored icing, and have some fun! And most importantly, enjoy it!

Fall is in the Air

There’s nothing that screams fall to me more than the smell of apple pie in the oven. Okay, maybe a little pumpkin mixed in, but apple really just screams fall to me.

Usually, in the fall I am able to go apple picking. Then, when I come home, I go a little apple crazy and everything that I make is filled with apples, cinnamon, and nutmeg. YUMMM! Well, this year, I haven’t been able to go apple picking yet, and the season is coming to an end. That being said, I still get to enjoy some apple filled treats, just not the fun of picking them myself.

I went with apple pie, naturally.

I cut little hearts into mine. :)
I cut little hearts into mine. 🙂

One of the biggest hassles when making pie, is making the crust. Gah, it drives me nuts. I can never seem to get it just right and I end up getting frustrated and giving up. So, to make things a little easier, I buy pre-made pie crust. Sorry..


So, to make this recipe, you will need:

4-5 apples, depending on the size

1/2 cup of sugar

1 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon of salt


If you’re feeling super fancy, you can take out one of the apples and add a pear for a little extra flavor.

Making the pie is super simple. First, preheat your oven to 425 degrees.

Cut the apples into thin slices or small chunks, and then in a large bowl combine everything except the pie crust.

Then, in a pie pan, put the bottom crust of the pie down.

Pour your apple mixture on top of that.

Next, cover with the second piece of pie dough and crimp the edges (again, if you’re feeling fancy, you can cut the dough and do the checkerboard look).

Cut slits in the pie crust, I usually do about 4 or 5.


Then, put your pie in the oven for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, take it out, and wrap the edges in aluminum foil (about an inch or so of the edge) to make sure that the ends don’t burn. Then, put the pie back into the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the crust is a nice golden brown.

Now the hard part. Let your pie sit out for at least two hours before you cut into it. This allows all of those super yummy juices to tighten up so they don’t all come oozing out when you cut into it.


If you like to bake as much as I do and you want your treats to be as healthy as possible, check out the link below for the great chart that shows what can be substituted for what, and what it tastes great in.

Screen Shot 2013-10-04 at 9.04.52 AM

I am currently trying to figure out how to get it printed big enough so that I can read everything on it while I’m in my kitchen.


Ready, set… go.


Everyone have a great day!