Finally Broke Out The Juicer!

About two years ago I bought a juicer. I used it once. Since then, it has been in my closet collecting dust. Well, one of my friends really wanted to make juice so we broke it out. And boy, am I glad we did. Here are three juice recipes that I used. I will get her’s from her today and post those later.

Some of my yummy juice ingredients.
Some of my yummy juice ingredients.
Marissa's. She is clearly a little bit more brave than me!
Marissa’s. She is clearly a little bit more brave than me!


But for now, here are my juice recipes:

Strawberry Kiwi Juice:
2 Kiwis
9 Strawberries (they were pretty big. So if your’s are small, add extra)
1 apple (we used empire)

Orange Applade
1/2 an orange (our oranges were HUGE, if you use regular oranges, use a whole orange)
3 apples
1 lemon

Strawberry Orange
1 orange (if you use regular sized oranges, use two)
9 strawberries
1 apple

The final products!!
The final products!!


If you have any great juice recipes, feel free to comment with them below, maybe I’ll be more adventurous next time and add some yummy carrots or something.

I will post Marissa’s soon 🙂

Have a great day!

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